Definitely not a serious

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    Definitely not a serious gamer; no FPS games at all.  Now that you mention the USB-UIRT driver, I think I recall looking into it a couple of years ago and wakeup from S3 may very well have been an unsupported (or at least very hit-or-miss) feature in Windows 7.  I’ll have to take a look again to see if they finally decided to get it working.  In case it’s still not, is there something besides the USB-UIRT I could use with EventGhost, which definitely has the ability to wakeup from S3?

    Budget usually isn’t a constraint when I start building things (thankfully).  The only cost I haven’t been able to justify yet is one of those fancy URC remotes.  Every time I look at them, I go, “Okay, HOW many Harmony remotes could I buy for that price?” and it never makes sense.

    Thanks for the first steps…  I’ll start looking to the Haswell.  If there are any other things I should be considering or ensuring I have support for, throw them out.