BuddyWeiser wrote: Why is it

Home Forums BuddyWeiser wrote: Why is it



    Why is it that in WMC7, some movies have only “Synopsis”, and others have that, and “Cast & Crew” and “Similar Movies” etc. 


    Yammm adds proper cached metadata which allows Media Center to look up the additional Cast & Crew and Similar Movies sections. But it will allow show it after you go to a movie details once and then leave.  This is a limitation in Media Center.


    And also, why is it that in the “Similar Movies” section, EVERY single movie listed says “Not In Guide”, when alot of them are in fact in my guide. For example, I have Fantastic Four in my movie guide. Under Similar Movies, it lists X2:X-Men United(which I ALSO have listed in my movies)



    Its an issue with the metadata used by Windows Media Center to make the link. They design WMC to use AMC which is now owned by Rovi. Some items in the feed used by Media Center is broken.

    I did find out how to replace all this behavior in Media Center but it is a larger task.