UniFi OS – Network Video Recorders 2.3.10 / UniFi Protect 1.20.2

This UIOS update is a solid release for the UNVR, but there’s also a critical update that should be applied for all UI Protect users.
Read moreThis UIOS update is a solid release for the UNVR, but there’s also a critical update that should be applied for all UI Protect users.
Read moreProtect 1.19.0 has been in the works for a while. Great that UI took the time to get it right, with a bunch of improvements and bugfixes. I just wish that my cameras wouldn’t keep failing.
Read moreUbiquiti released UniFi Protect 1.17.1 for UDM-Pro/UNVR/UCKG2/UCKP devices. There are many improvements and bug fixes, with the most notable a supported migration path for UniFi Video users who’s protects were EOL recently.
Read moreUbiquiti has released UniFi Protect NVR Firmware 1.3.33, which includes Protect version 1.16.9. The change log is small, but there’s a lot more going on than what appears from a quick look.
Read moreI’m not sure that I’ve ever a Cyber-Monday deal direct from Ubiquiti, but that’s not really important. What is important, is that if you were holding of for a great deal on a UDM-Pro or UNVR. You’re probably not going to do better than this. While both products have their warts, I would recommend them if you are planning to […]
Read moreIf you have a UDM-Pro or UNVR running an earlier version of Protect, it’s update time.
Read moreThis wasn’t intended to be a rant, but it kind of turned out that way. Sorry about that, but some days, UI really gets me going…
Read moreI woke up this morning to the most unwelcome notification that my remote Ubiquiti Unifi NVR was offline. Never having had to deal with this before I thought it would be interesting to record the troubleshooting process to get it back online without having physical access to the box.
Read moreUI recently released Unifi Protect 1.14.11 for the UDM-Pro and UNVR, this video walks through the differences and one issue I noticed with the update.
Read moreThe Ubiquiti UniFi Protect Network Video Recorder (UNVR) fills a massive gap in the Unifi Protect ecosystem because it finally adds storage redundancy to the mix. Unfortunately there are still quite a few limitations with the Protect ecosystem, but if you can live with them, and some flakey initial software quality issues, the UNVR is a solid addition to the […]
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