Qualcomm Announces Skifta Media Shifting Platform


Qualcomm released their Skifta app for Android devices a couple of months ago. The idea behind Skifta was to make accessing and controlling DLNA streaming devices easier for mainstream users. Now that the company has the software side of DLNA under control, Qualcomm is looking to expand Skifta’s reach to the hardware side with its Skifta Media Shifting Platform. Device […]

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Qualcomm Looking to Skifta App to Promote DLNA

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Got an Android phone and want to send a video to your TV, then Qualcomm may have just the app for you. Skifta is an app that Qualcomm has been working on for a while now to provide DLNA access and control for Android devices with the specific goal of introducing DLNA to mainstream users. Educating consumers about DLNA is […]

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